Board of Management

The Board of Management of Ballyea N.S., under the direction of the Patron, is responsible for upholding the ethos, traditions and culture of the school. In 1975 a system of boards of management was established for national schools. The introduction of boards of management provided opportunities for a partnership of parents, teachers, Patrons’ representatives and community representatives in the task of school management. Subject to the Rules for National Schools and to the Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure and to circulars issued from time to time by the Minister for Education and Science, boards of management are responsible for the direct government of their schools, the conducting of correspondence, the appointment of teachers and their removal where necessary, in accordance with approved procedures.

Under the new guidelines, a new board is elected every four years and the current term of office runs from December 2015.

The following are the members of the Board of Management:

Chairperson: Tom Clohessy

Secretary: Martin McMahon

Treasurer: Niamh Keating

Patron’s Nominee Fr. Pat Malone

Teachers’ Representative: Mary O’Donohue

Community Representative: Geraldine Sheedy

Community Representative: John Casey

Parents’ Representative: John Wall