Parents Association
Ballyea N.S. has an active Parents Association which welcomes all parents to become involved in its activities throughout the school year. The Parents’ Association is the structure through which parents in the school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parents Association works with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to build effective partnership between the home and school. New parents are particularly welcome and it is a great opportunity to meet the parents of other children in the school. Elected officers serve a two year term.
The Parents Association is affiliated with the National Parents Council Primary (NPC), which is the nation-wide organisation representing parents of children attending early and primary education. NPC is recognised by the Government and the Education Act 1998 as the body representing you as parents. Their aim is to improve and enrich the education of all children and support parents to get involved in their children’s learning at home, in the community and at school.
Some of the activities of the Parents Association include:
School Policy
Health and Safety
Fun Activities
Sports Day
First Holy Communion
The officers for 2022-2023 are;
Chairperson: Tara O’Neill
Treasurer: Michelle O’ Looney
Secretary: Claire Toner